The Quality Coaching Kickstart Guide: A 5-Day Primer On Avoiding The Biggest Mistakes Even Seasoned Testers Make Coaching Their Teams

Everything you need to avoid the common pitfalls of quality coaching!

  • A primer course outlining common pitfalls to becoming a successful Quality Coach.

  • 6 ways you can help your team define quality for themselves.

  • 4 tips to help you start coaching in your team.

  • Learn how to give better advice to your team

  • How to position yourself as a Quality Coach, rather than a Tester with your Boss and team

Created by me, Vernon Richards. I have 20+ years of coaching and testing experience, working on everything from video games to F1 cars, in start-ups to FTSE100 companies.These are the mistakes I made, so you don't have to!

"Vernon is a powerhouse of a QA consultant, combining the roles of a meticulous tester, an inspiring leader, a strategic consultant, and a transformative coach with seamless ease."

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Here are the common mistakes we'll be exploring inside:

Day 1: Mistake #1: You take responsibility for allTheTesting and why that causes your teammates to learn that testing and quality aren’t their problemDay 2: Mistake #2: There’s too much telling and not enough listening and how that makes you look like a smart arse to your teammatesDay 3: Mistake #3: Ignoring the context and why that means you work on the wrong problems and miss opportunities to build credibility with your teammates.Day 4: Mistake #4: Setting the wrong expectations with colleagues and why being unclear about your value can damage your standing in the team.Day 5: Mistake #5: You Don’t Make Your Work Visible Enough and how a lack of transparency hinders your progress

The first lesson of The Quality Coaching Kickstart Guide is on its way to your inbox - Nice one!

Within the next minute or two, you're going to get an email from me Vernon Richards.This email contains instructions to get started with The Quality Coaching Kickstart Guide, so be sure to check it out!If you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know—I'll be happy to help! :-)Now go and check your inbox!

P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.(Since I'm relatively new to sending emails to my list, sometimes the "email algorithms" think I'm a robot! 🤷🏾♂️)